
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hi everyone,

        This is a new blog site that contains facts about music. I think it will very useful for you. Musicians, Students and all other people, who love music, is useful for you. From Today I update all the ways of music facts.
                                             Thank You..!

Old & New Music

The term “Old Music” is referred here to the music of the Baroque & Classical periods. (Latter part of 17th to mid 18th century) This music is easily recognized by the chord progressions and presentation of the masters of the period.
            The term “New Music” is use for the music of the modern composers which uses chord progressions and sound effects strikingly different from the “Old Music
            Listen to a Bach prelude and a Beethoven Concerto or a symphony followed by Gershwin’s Rhapsody in blue, to be familiar with “Old” and “New Music

History of Music

            Introduction to the four main periods of western music,
            Baroque period and composes Scarlatti, Bach, Handle classical period and composes Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven.
            The history music deals with the study of style. From all the types of music, when they were composed, how they developed, and who were responsible, for this purpose, the historians of music have divided the “History of Music in to Different Periods

  1)      Middle ages (0450-1430)
  2)      Renaissance (1450-1600)
  3)      Baroque       (1650-1750)
  4)      Classical      (1750-1820)
  5)      Romantic     (1820-1900)
  6)      Modern 20th century to the present

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